Thursday, January 23, 2020

Minority Rules :: essays research papers

In the novel A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, the author uses many minor characters. Although labelled "minor", these characters contribute fully, and are essential to the depth and excitement of the novel. Three such characters are: Miss Pross, Gaspard, and Jerry Cruncher. These three characters take on a couple different roles, depending on what point in the novel one is at. From the beginning, and throughout the novel, Miss Pross plays a simple role. She takes care of Lucie Manette. A simple role it may seem to be, but she adds humor to the story from the offset. Once Lucie and Dr. Manette have returned to England, after Dr. Manette's imprisonment, Miss Pross continues to take an influential role in the story. She is constantly looking after Lucie and this includes Miss Pross attempting to discourage any suitors. Miss Pross is quite successful at appearing and acting in a commanding and intimidating manner. An example of this is when Mr. Lorry came to visit at the Manette's home; "...Miss Pross, the wild red woman, strong of hand...`I don't want dozens of people who are not all worthy of Ladybird, to come looking after take Ladybird's affections away from me.'" Miss Pross being part of the novel deepens the plot by providing some humor and giving the reader another side to consider when thinking of Lucie and her several relationships. Gaspard's purpose in the novel is dissimilar to that of Miss Pross. Gaspard is used to help the reader understand how the majority of the French population was feeling prior to the revolution. Gaspard and the other peasants were treated, by the aristocracy, as if they were disgusting rodents. When Gaspard's son is run over by the Marquis, all the Marquis is worried about, is if his horses or his coach were hurt or damaged. Gaspard's anger and realization of how he is being treated causes him to rebel and kill the Marquis. The one murder symbolizes the animosity of all the peasants and is a taste of what is to come with the revolution. Gaspard was therefore used to foreshadow what is to happen in the future, this is auvioce especially after Gaspard is captured and hung. He is left hanging with a knife in him so that he poisons the water. Later that afternoon the Jacquerie are talking in Defarge's wine shop of how "the chateau and all the race.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Law of Contract

The issue is whether the transfer of house is acceptable and valid under Sec 26 of CA 1950. The law applicable are Sec 26 of CA has stated that agreement made without consideration is void. According to Sec 2(d) of CA, consideration is an act or abstinence or promise by the promisee or any other person as required by the promisor in return for his promise. Literally, it means something that is given in return for something else. On the other hand, there was an exceptions under Sec 26 of CA which is an agreement without consideration is void unless the contract made on account of natural love and effection that is stated in Sec 26(a) of CA. There are several requirements under Sec 26(a) of CA which is the contract must be expressed in writting, must be registered if required by law and made on account of natural love and affection and between parties standing in near relation to each other. Sec 26 of CA further illustrate that ‘A’, for natural love and affection, promises to give his son ‘B’, RM1000. ‘A’ puts his promise to ‘B’ into writing and registers it under a law for the time being in force for the registration of such documents. This is contract. Additional, the meaning of the words ‘near relation’ varies from one social group to another as it depends on the customs and practice of such groups. For example, Case of Re Tan Soh Sim. The deceased, Tan Soh Sim, had three sisters. Their mother was firstly married to one Tan Ah Thai and had four children. When Tan Ah Thai died, she married one Khoo Kim Huat and had seven children. The Tan and Khoo children maintained social and friendly relations with one another. Tan Soh Sim married, but having no issue, adopted four children. The husband, one Chan, married a second wife, Tan Boey Kee. When Tan Soh Sim was on her death bed, to ill to make a will, all the Khoo and Tan children signed a document drawn up by a solicitor renouncing all claims to Tan’s estate in favour of the four adopted children and Tan Boey Kee. They were told by Tan Boey Kee that this was the intentions of Tan Soh Sim. Tan Soh Sim died without having recovered consciousness. The question arose in the distribution of Tan’s estate whether the instrument signed was valid. It was held, Chinese adopted children are related to the adoptive parents nd brothers, however they are not ‘nearly related’ to the family of their adoptive mother. Hence, uncles and aunties do not stand in near relation to their nephews and nieces. In this case, there was no natural love and affection between the signatories and donees. To apply these law to the facts of question, there is no consideration given by Milah to Pak Mail to complete val idate the transfer of house as required by Sec 2(d) of CA. However, Sec 26 of CA has laid down a few exceptions where a construct is considered valid eventhough without a consideration. That is the contract must be expressed in writing, must be registered if required by law and made an acount of natural love and affection between parties standing in near relation to each other. Refer back to requirement in Sec 26 of CA, Pak Mail based on love and affection could transfer the house to Milah, without Milah giving any consideration as Milah his daughter is standing in near relation to him and Pak Mail need to put in writing or contractual agreement and it need to registered by law to valid the transfer. In case of Re Tan Soh Sim was faced with a case whose facts were essentially identical to those in this problem. In that case there was no natural love and effection between the signatories and donees because they are not ‘nearly related’ to the family of their adoptive mother eventhough in Chinese adopted children are related to the adoptive parents and brothers. Although the Pak Mail’s problem is same to that in Re Tan Soh Sim’s case, it is suggested that the result is not same between in both cases. In saying that, Milah as Pak Mail’s daughter is standing near relation to him. So, there was natural love and affection between Pak Mail and Milah that can valid the transfer of house. The conclusion, the transfer is acceptable and valid under Sec 26 of CA 1950 as there is a valid contract which binding both of them.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Sexual Identity Of Homosexual People - 1678 Words

Ten percent of the human population is homosexual. In Greek it is pronounced á ½ ÃŽ ¼ÃÅ'Ï‚, meaning same, and sex derives from the term sexus in Latin. In Ancient Greece, sexuality was not questioned, and it was something that was rejoiced. Today, people all over the world question the sexual identity of homosexual people, because it goes against their religion, social standards, morals, and intellect. As humans, we must comprehend the fact that being gay is nothing more than love between two humans. As humans, we must come to the realization that we are all equal, and that you are born gay; furthermore, you don’t have a choice. In the past few hundred years homosexuality has been seen as not being a matter of choice. In the 1960’s the term homophobia arose as a term that meant a fear of homosexuality. During this decade, new forms of love and thinking came into play, which also encouraged homosexual people to freely love as well. But when the summer of love ended , articles began to appear in the paper about how this expression of love this way was wrong because of verses that were in the bible, â€Å"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.† (Version, Leviticus) Religion has always been the leading reason of homophobia, but some churches have adopted the fact that you cannot change something that you have no control over. In the 1970’s gay churches began to accumulate near coastal areas. People that attended, these churches were taught that the Bible wasShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality : Homosexuality And Identity1311 Words   |  6 Pagesand identity or a behavior? Identity is defined as who someone is or the qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person or group different from others. Behavior is defined as the manner of conducting oneself or the way a person or animal acts or behave. Homosexuality is an identity, because it is something that one defines themselves as. A person cannot â€Å"act† or â€Å"perform† homosexual or control themselves as â€Å"homosexual†. Homosexuality is attraction or relating to, or having a sexual orientationRead More Repression and Fear of Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgender Americans1610 Words   |  7 PagesRepression and Fear of Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgender Americans Every June thousands of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender people gather in different locations around the world to celebrate Gay Pride Month with dances, festivals, and marches. The categories of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender are fairly recent; the term homosexual used to refer to all individuals of a sexual orientation other than heterosexual. The tradition reached its thirty-fifth anniversary thisRead MoreDiversity in Sexual Orientation1149 Words   |  5 PagesDiversity in Sexual Orientation by Jason Burnley When I think about diversity in the world I too think about diversity when it comes to sexual orientation. Sometimes I think -- How is sexual identity developed? What influences who we become sexually? Why is there such diversity in sexual orientation? To be quite frank, there are no correct or incorrect answers to these questions. The idea of sexual orientation and behavior is a very complex one. What was true in the past is certainly differentRead MoreHomosexuality1131 Words   |  5 PagesHomosexuality Homosexuality is the sexual orientation toward people of the same sex. Female homosexuals are referred to as Lesbians. Years ago, the term gay has been applied to both homosexual women and men. The potential for homosexual behavior appears to be a basic part of human sexuality, since many people experience homosexual interest, curiosity, or activity at some point in their lives. Homosexual behavior has also been observed in most animal species. Many homosexuals prefer to be called gay or,Read MoreAfter Careful Examination Of Biblical Texts The Catholic1425 Words   |  6 PagesAdditionally the church says, homosexuals should practice a life of celibacy . This teaching from the Church causes some religious individuals with same sex attractions to seek opportunities to change their sexual orientation, in order to have a sexual orientation that better matches their religious identity and beliefs. The most popular way to alter sexual orientation is through conversion therapy, a complex process that helps willing homosexuals change their sexual orientation and to find a senseRead MoreSexual orientation is the preferred term used when referring to an individuals physical and or1100 Words   |  5 PagesSexual orientation is the preferred term used when referring to an individuals physical and or emotional attraction to the same and or opposite sex. Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual and pansexual are all sexual orientations. An individuals gender identity and expression is distinct from their sexual orientation. Throughout life as the individual explores the world around them, they are shaped by the unique experiences and influences that are imparted upon them. All people experience life subjectivelyRead MoreGay Marriage And Its Slow Progression Of Acceptance1441 Words   |  6 Pagesand prominent theme in society as more time passes. According to the American Psychological Association, sexual orientation refers to the sex or sexual interest to whom one is sexual ly and romantically attracted to. Heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality are the three mostly familiar categories of sexual orientation for a typical person, and these sexualities make up for 98.9% of the sexual orientation among American adults (Ward 1, et al). But what about the other 1.1% of sexualities? WhileRead MoreGay, Gay Bisexual And Transgender Community883 Words   |  4 PagesWhen it comes to the topic stereotyping homosexuals, some people of the gay community will immediately agree that homosexuals act like the stereotypical gay person. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether gays are denying their sexuality and disregarding the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community (LGBT). While some homosexuals are convinced that they are true to their gender, others believe that they should identify with the LGBT community and act like theRead MoreThe Laramie And Laramie Project1226 Words   |  5 Pageshas reported, â€Å"60.6% [out of] 1,402 hate crimes . . . based on sexual orientation [are] classified as anti-gay (male) bias† (Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released). Crimes against homosexuals have been reported nationwide, but a hate crime in Laramie, Wyoming has changed the gay community. October 12, 1998, twenty-one year old Matthew Shepard was brutally beaten and murdered by two young Laramie citizens because of Shepard’s sexual orientation. In The Laramie Project and The Laramie Project:Read MoreGeek Masculinity And Its Effects On Society836 Words   |  4 Pageshegemonic masculinity. Female nerds have more difficulty in fitting in because they are stereotyped as unattractive and face more negative consequences in comparison with men. Sometimes women use â€Å"masquerading† or creating an online identity that is different from one’s real identity such as gender or race. Girls are considered marginalized and consuming fans of media, which is also a case for â€Å"structured secondariness†. However, subcultures such as Riot Grrrls challenged this by using their participation